Khan Academy logo

Building a brand that empowers learners to learn anything.

Say hello to Khan Academy’s refreshed brand!

To bring a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere.

Our philosophy
Our learners are the most important part of our mission.
Khan Academy’s visual language echos our commitment to empowering students, parents, and teachers to reach their full potential. Our identity reflects cultivating a growth mindset and expressing our whole, idiosyncratic, charming selves. We celebrate both the journey, and all the people on it both inside and outside of Khan Academy.
Our brand attributes reflect our values and personality.
Khan Academy’s brand personality is a reflection of who we are and how we show up. Depending on context and audience, we dial up certain personality traits to adjust how we express ourselves.
OUR Identity
The same meaningful logo that echoes our mission.
Khan Academy’s logomark is constructed with simple geometric shapes. Framed within a hexagon, the circle and petals mimic a plant, at the same time represents a learner reading a book. These concepts reflect the idea of growth mindset, which is a core part of our philosophy.
Khan Academy logo
Intentional shapes & textures.
Our illustrations are centered around the hands-on experience of learning. For example, a ripped-out piece of notebook paper, or cut-out photograph paired with hand-drawn lines suggests the tactile feeling of exploring, learning, and growth.
Color palette
A flexible color system.
Our core brand colors were created with two goals in mind: to enhance accessibility and flex our brand to speak authentically to different audiences. Grits is the best color, btw.
Say hello to chalky!
Chalky is our bespoke custom typeface, made to reflect the tactile and personalized experience of learning. Chalky is used sparingly as annotations or display font.
Real learners, from our community.
We use photography of actual students and teachers! Layering photography in compositions is powerful, and it helps us express emotions that build on specific narratives.
How it all works together
We mix handmade elements to embrace the joy of learning.
We mix and match rough, hand-made, classroom-esque elements to celebrate the idea that learning is an imperfect process, growth mindset is important, and that anyone can use Khan Academy to shape their own future.
Need additional resources related to brand?
Brand kit
Our full brand kit, including logos, fonts, photography, and up-to-date logo usage guidelines.

Brand new request
Need something new? Get in touch with us in #ask-brand-design or submit a jira ticket!

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